Imagine for Windows is a giant leap forward for the Professional and Amature. Imagine runs under Windows 3.1, 95 and NT. MSRP $1695.00. All three versions of Imagine for Windows are included on the CD. Users are not resticited to using only one version. Want to see more visit the Imagine for Windows pages to see a set of screen shots and a list of some of the most exciting features found in this or any professional 3D Rendering and Animation system. Also make sure that you check out the special offer for Imagine for Windows in the Specials section.

If you have pre-ordered Imagine for Windows you should be seeing your copy in the very near future. We are a bit behind schedule because we are making extra sure that evertyhing is working perfectly. For the fun of it check out the Imagine HISTORYpage. It tells the story of where Imagine came from and how we got to where we are today.

To View some screen shots and see some of the features of Imagine for Windows check out these pages.

Imagine Detail Editor

Imagine Attributes Dialogue

Imagine Action Dialogue

Imagine Features

Imagine Tech Specs "What you will need to make it all work"


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